Conference Venue
Rectorate of University of Belgrade - Captain Misa’s building
(Kapetan Mišino Zdanje)
Studentski trg 1, Belgrade

Registration desk will be located in the Entrance Hall of the University of Belgrade.
A. Specific methods in food quality control
B. Advances in Analytical Techniques for food quality control
C. Nanospectroscopy in food quality control
Oral presentation
The Power Point presentation must be available on CD-Rom or flash memory and prepared with Power Point.
Poster presentation
The posters should be mounted on the board.
Tentative list of Invited Lectures
Beata Kalska Szostko (Poland)
Giovanna Marrazza (Italy)
Enisa Miklicanin (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Robert Sandulescu (Romania)
Polonca Trebse (Slovenia)
Cecilia Cristea (Romania)
(List is not exhaustive)