The authors are asked to submit the papers including abstract, introduction, results and discussion, and conclusion in A4 format printed singly spaced with a laser printer. Margins of 4,85 cm on the top and bottom should be left and 4 cm on both right and left of the text. The title should be written in font 14 (Times New Roman) and in bold capital letters. The rest of the text should be in 11 point fonts (Times New Roman). The author’s address should be given in italics. References to the literature within text should be placed in square brackets: [1], [2], …, and cited at the end of the text. References: [1] G. Petrov, Raman Spectrosc., 2003, 34, 160-167.
The papers should be submitted electronically by e-mail (food_vin@vin.bg.ac.yu) before September 10, 2008. The papers received after that deadline cannot be guaranted the publication in the Conference Proceedings. Invited lectures will be printed in full-length.

All contributed papers, accepted for the Workshop, will be published in the Workshop Proceedings in the form as recieved.